Friday, May 9, 2008

Relection Reflecting

What does it mean to be "reflected"? Are you actually reflecting or does the person staring back at you often resemble something different than you remember? Can it be, that even in the momentary glimpse of such a recognizable description, you might see something new? Or, is it like how we drive the same route every day, often losing sight of the details, just muddling along to our next destination? While this esoteric thought may not be my normal flow of consciousness, let it be that my first post might pose the question for the future of this experiment. Can simply writing random thoughts and musings actually mean anything or can it remove the curtain from the daily grind? Can it bring, even just a little light to an otherwise dreary day?

While the "adventure" of life continues, it does seem that even the everyday mundane is in itself an adventure. What to have for dinner, can I come home early, will I ever get packed before the movers actually arrive? Even under such self-imposed stress as to not have a job, a place to live in Texas or even it seems sometimes a clue, such mysteries make one look inward at the man looking back.

In truth, we are all just trying to make it to that next moment, that next day. We look around our lives and count our blessings. We remember those we loved, those that love us, and must remember that we are rich, just for those in our lives. Let's see where this adventure takes us together!

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