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- "The Slowskys"

By now you all have seen the commerical for the Slowskys...those are those turtles that have Verizon...(http://www.theslowskys.com/) They are the ones that hate fast Internet speeds. The Slowskys are Bill and Karolyn and both my wife and I have made fun of my parents for a while now for being a member of the Slowsky family. (they have DSL and yes we did actually call them Bill and Karolyn, I know ironic names right?) Well I knew that one day my sense of humor would creep on me and bite me right in the butt! Well folks, we have now joined the Slowsky family! (Fios at least!) So I've been with Comcast as long as I can remember. In fact, I was with them when there was no Comcast and there was only "Montgomery Cable". Slowly the bills have gone higher and higher and just as we moved last month and wanted to transfer service they began charging us $35 more than we were at our old address!! "You were under a promotion and even though you're still a customer, you address has changed so now you pay the full price without a special promotional discount we were giving you" I was told. Let me get this right, so for staying with you when I move, you charge me more I asked. Silence on the phone. So I contact Bill Slowsky and find out how much the Internet/phone/tv package is compared to Comcast. About $50-$60 less! Why on earth would I then go with Comcast?? So I call them to cancel and they transfer us to the "retention department". This is a fancy way of staying, the shlub that has to talk to you on the phone and try to convince you to stay with them, after you've already made up your mind to cancel. (does that really work? I mean does someone actually call to cancel, don't forget they also WAIT on hold for while, then request to cancel and actually be convinced not to do it) So I talk to the woman who tells me how they have their "triple play" and how they service is faster, better, more reliable...I say, great, is it...cheaper?? Well umm, sure it is...then I remind her, you mean it's cheaper even after you charge me for the digital upgrade service, rent me my modem for $6.00, rent me a remote for $2.00 and require for me to have a DVR I must also have the HD service for an additional $8.00 plus the DVR for $15.99?? When with the Slowsky family all they charge is the DVR (no remote, router, etc charges...and still less!) After all that what else is there to say?? "Can I have your forwarding address we know where to send your rebate check?" Sure. Have a nice day Comcast.
Thank you for participating in this rant...we will now return you to your already scheduled program already in progress...When in doubt, just say "Manamana"...trust me, it WILL make you feel better!!
1 comment:
Thanks Eric! One of my fav Muppet memories! Manamana (doo doo doo doo doo)....
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